Currently I am striving to balance a full life as a mother and wife with my need to create, to make money, and to keep my sanity. It helps to have good friends with talents I do not possess, like my husband, savy blogger that he is. I deeply enjoy working with my hands. I tolerate computers because they are useful, but I do not like them.
My childhood idea of an artist was a solitary figure, working out his creative genius. Life has taught me that idea is not realistic nor is it to be desired. I am very grateful for the people in my life that I daily rub shoulders with. They inspire me to create; they inspire me to give and not to take myself so seriously. My blog is called " facere figuram," literally "to make a figure," the idiomatic translation is extensive, because for as long as I can remember I have been crazy about people, their shapes, expressions, interactions...I think people are the most beautiful thing on God's green earth. I take great joy in expressing this love in my art.